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What is your Next Level in your business?

As we prepare to close out this year, I'm sure you've accomplished so much this year that you can be grateful for, and I'm celebrating with you.

When it comes to business, I know that owning and running a business has its share of challenges, so for every moment you've persevered in your business this year, and for every challenge you have have overcome, I celebrate you.

Simultaneously, I'm encouraging you to think of your Next Level. What strategy, system, idea, or resource do you need to add to your business to make 2020 an epic year for your business?

This year, one of my top two goals in business was to have 20 paid speaking engagements to obtain membership in the National Speakers Association. I have about 18 so far, and I'm well on my way to reach my goal, but I've already been working on new goals for 2020 even in the midst of being extremely grateful for my progress in my current goals.

What is your Next Level? What can you do now to set a foundation for achieving it? And know that your Next Level doesn't have to be about additional revenue, clients, or sales. Your next level could be associated with taking more time for self-care in the midst of your business goals, or about integrating a routine to ensure you don't miss precious moments with your children or other family members in the midst of your business goals, or with moving towards more mindset mastery that you can apply to be more resilient or at peace in the midst of your daily work and personal life.

For whatever your Next Level is, I celebrate you now, and I celebrate all of the wonderful progress that is to come for you and your business!

Go forth and conquer!

Photo credit: Austin Neil on Unsplash


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